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*Writers Access level 5 Australian profile. Pays $24 for 500 words and workflow is super consistent. Highly IP sensitive
* Iwriter Premium..pays $3.9 for 500 words and the workflow is crazy consistent
* Great Content Senior Linguist. Pays up to $15 for 500 words. Not IP sensitivity and the workflow is inconsistent
* Morethanwriters with ready tasks. Pays $9 for 300 words and the workflow is steady. Payment method available
* Hirewriters Expert level UK profile. Pays $10 for 500 words and allows you to work on 10 orders simultaneously. Workflow is super consistent and the account is very user friendly
* Hirewriters Skilled non-US. Pays $5 for 500 words and allows 7 takes simultaneously
* Hirewriters General level No-US. Pays $3.5 for 500 words and allows 4 takes simultaneously
* Hirewriters Beginner non-US. Pays $2.5 for 500 words and goes up the levels very fast; you get to Expert with just 15 articles. This is the best account for beginners, including those looking to graduate from Baby Hoth
* Copify UK profile new. Pays $10 for 500 words and workflow is super consistent
* Verblio level 1 US profile. Pays $11 for 300 words. Workflow is super consistent and allows you to work on multiple articles at once
*Verblio level 3 with 70% purchase rate
*Verblio level 3&4with 82% purchase rate
*Copypress used. Pays $30 for 500 words, every 3 month
* Fiverr level 1 Kenyan profile done 31 orders with 100% response rate
* Baby Hoth. Pays $3.5 for 1300 words. Very lenient on quality with fairly consistent workflow. Not IP sensitive
* Textbroker level 4 UK new. Mildly IP sensitive and pays 7 pounds for 500 words. Inconsistent workflow
*Writersdomain standard USA profile ,pays 30$ for 600 words ,work flow is super consistent